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Data Science Illustration
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Answer localization

What's this?

This card showcases an answer localization model: ask any question about a portion of text, and if the answer is present in the text, you will see exactly which words in the text answer your question.

Why use this?

Unlike generative models like ChatGPT, this model does not hallucinate facts. Instead of generating text, it locates an answer within the text that is provided, making the output consistent and predictable, and thus more useful for business applications. Furthermore, at 100 MB it is orders of magnitude smaller than the aforementioned models, which makes it possible to run client-side on any smartphone these days. This model works by using a compressed version of BERT for Natural Language Processing (NLP).

How do I use this?

To get answers from text, first (down)load the model of 100 MB (careful if you're on mobile data). Type the question you'd like to answer (or keep the suggestion) and press the "locate answer" button. You should now see where in the customizable text your ansewr lies. Feel free to experiment as often as you like with your own questions, or even your own passage of text!

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is a rapidly advancing field of computer science that focuses on the development of intelligent machines. It encompasses various techniques and algorithms that enable computers to mimic human intelligence and perform tasks such as speech recognition, image processing, and decision-making. AI systems rely on large datasets and complex mathematical models to learn patterns and make predictions. Deep Learning, a subset of AI, employs neural networks with multiple layers to process information and extract meaningful insights. AI has found applications in numerous sectors, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment, revolutionizing industries and improving efficiency.
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